Monday, March 16, 2009

In loving memory

Constance Edna Holland, March 18, 1921-March 16, 2007.


  1. seeing this lovely picture of Aunt Edna made me wish that Dad (her brother Alan) had persevered with his IT classes. He signed up when Kevin went to New Zealand for 6 months, thinking it would be good to email. Somehow, he never got round to subscribing to Broadband and buying a laptop. Next time he comes over, I will log on to rpfp and he can share a little bit of NY life with you. Incidentally, I love it!
    Cousin Linda

  2. What a beautiful portrait, Joy. So vivacious.


Creative Commons License
Anglo-Brooklyn by Joy Holland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.